For those that care, and for those who have hair...or maybe even those who just like to style hair. Check this out:
http://www.flatironexperts.com/KQC-X-Heat-Tourmaline-Ceramic-Flat-Iron-p/kqcxheat.htmNot just any Flat Iron, its the K
QC X-Heat Tourmaline Ceramic Flat Iron (1" inch) . Valentine's Day is coming up, and maybe you'd like to do your hair up extra NIIIACE, or maybe want to give it as a gift for someone else to do their HUR up all NIAAACE. I'm waiting on mines...MINES...in the mail. Let me know what you think. What hur products to you use?

SPEAKING OF HAIR, have you seen "GOOD HAIR" by Chris Rock? Its GENIUS! http://www.goodhairdvd.com/ I saw it twice on a plane and LOVED it both times.

"If your hair is relaxed, white people are relaxed, if your hair is nappy, white people aren't happy." GENIUS.
Peace & Love,